
#25. Space CPU

Last edited on 2023-08-04 Tagged under  #space 

Here are this week's 3 links worth exploring:

  1. RISC-V64 is a royalty-free, open source 64-bit instruction set architecture (ISA) that can be used to design and manufacture RISC-V processors. Possibly we will create a new generation of powerful embedded systems for open source space hardware with RISC-V64 at its core? On the software side of things, Debian has designated RISC-V64 as an official supported architecture in its next release, code-named "Trixie": https://wiki.debian.org/RISC-V

  2. Linux4Space is a new initiative dedicated to creating a Linux distribution using Yocto-based tools and processes that is focused on space applications. Created by the Technical University of Liberec, the growing community effort is designing the distribution to be compliant with ESA (European Space Agency) Standards: https://linux4space.org/

  3. Skyfield is a Python astronomy package that relies on NumPy to generate high precision research-grade positions for stars, planets, and Earth satellites. Its results should agree with the positions generated by the United States Naval Observatory and their Astronomical Almanac to within 0.0005 arcseconds: https://github.com/skyfielders/python-skyfield

Quote of the Week: "Eastern systems of thought have long acknowledged the idea of many worlds ... [There is] a long Buddhist tradition of belief in a multitude of worlds, perhaps infinite in number, that occupy a vast and ancient universe. Humans are by no means at the pinnacle of the sentient creatures that inhabit these worlds. It's a strikingly modern vision." — Chris Impey, Worlds Without End


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